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Manifestation organisée dans le cadre de France-Chine 50
Event organized as part of France-China 50

Objectives and context of the conference
Clean air is essential to people’s health and that of the environment. Since the industrial revolution, however, the quality of the air that people breathe has deteriorated considerably - mainly as a result of human activities. Rising industrial and energy production, the burning of fossil fuels and the dramatic rise in traffic all contribute to air pollution in our towns and cities which, in turn, can lead to serious health problems for instance through the frequent formation of photochemical smog and haze.
The need to deliver cleaner air has been recognized for several decades with action having been taken at national and international levels. Despite significant improvements, serious air pollution problems still persist… and are becoming more and more complex and varying from one region to another.
Therefore, a scientifically sound understanding is urgently needed to disclose the key reasons for regional complex air pollution problems and for the effective implementation of control measures.

The emphasis of this conference will be on urban air quality and its specificities in France and China, and their possible improvements. The meeting aims at bringing together scientists from different fields (chemistry, physics, meteorology,epidemiology,…), industry and representatives of local governments (e.g., cities, regions…)., in order to share their recent research progress relating to regional complex air pollution.
The Sino-French Conferences on Atmospheric Environment have been success fully held for three times since 2008, they have provided the opportunity for fruitful cooperation among interdisciplinary scientists. Two dedicated issues of Journal of Environmental Sciences have been published for the 2nd and 3rd workshops.
The 4thSino-French Workshop will be held on December 10-13, 2014 at Lyon, France, and will provide further forum for exchanging ideas about current research progress on regional complex air pollution with various aspects, including pollution status, formation mechanisms, source apportionments,control techniques and regulations etc.
While dedicated to Sino-French cooperation, this conference will be largely opened to participants from other countries, reflecting transboundary nature of atmospheric chemistry.
The topics to be addressed are:
- Pollution characteristics of primary and secondary air pollutants;
- Physical, chemical processes and mechanisms of air pollution;
- Source apportionment ofprimary and secondary air pollutants;
- Control techniques of primary air pollutants;
- Control strategy, policy and countermeasures of air pollution