Rhône-Alpes is one of France's 22 administrative regions. At the institutional level, it has two assemblies, the Regional Council (Conseil Régional) and the Regional economic, social and environmental Council (Conseil Economique, social et environnemental régional), known as the CESER.
The National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy aims to design, promote and coordinate national and international research in the fields of astronomy and of solid Earth, ocean, atmospheric and space sciences. INSU also helps to structure national research in its own field, in particular by managing the network of Observatoires des sciences de l'Univers (Earth Science and Astronomy Observatories—OSU).
Laboratoire d’excellence "Cinétique chimique et Aérothermodynamique pour des Propulsions et des systèmes énergétiques propres et sûrs" (France)-Convention n° ANR-11-LABX-0006-01
Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble / Laboratoire d’Excellence OSUG@2020, stratégies innovantes pour l’observation et la modélisation des systèmes naturels
This workshop is supported by a grant from Labex OSUG@2020 - Investissements d'avenir – ANR10 LABX56
L’Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers en région Centre (OSUC), composante de l’Université d’Orléans, regroupe les scientifiques impliqués dans le domaine des Sciences de la Terre, de l’Atmosphère et de l’Espace en région Centre.
La Faculté des Sciences et Technologies est une composante de l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon1 (France). Elle rassemble 41 unités de recherches, dont 33 unités mixtes avec le CNRS.
AMIS (Fate and Impact of Atmospheric Pollutants) project aims at establishing a long-lasting collaboration and creates a network of European and Chinese research centres of excellence in the area of air quality and climate change studies.
Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement (France). The research topics of the laboratory are snow and ice, glaciers, climate - atmosphere, ice and ocean - and the environment.
The Journal of Environmental Sciences is an international journal started in 1989. The journal is devoted to publish original, peer-reviewed research papers on main aspects of environmental sciences, such as environmental chemistry, environmental biology, ecology, geosciences and environmental physics.
Headquartered in Thun, Switzerland, TOFWERK aims to bring the advantages of TOF technology to new markets and applications. They offer:
1) Custom instrumentation for research laboratories and OEM partners ;
2) High performance end-user instruments
Founded in 1986, Serv'Instrumentation has established itself as a leading manufacturer's distributor of measurement and control instrumentation for the process industries. Our products and systems are marketed to major clients in the chemical, pharmaceutical, petroleum, power, environmental, semiconductor, and OEM industries.
It is a national high and new technology enterprise, founded in 2001. It is a comprehensive service provider mainly engaged in atmospheric environmental governance, taking guidance of desulfurization and denitration, integrated with investment, research and development, and design.
Metrohm Applikon, headquartered in Schiedam, the Netherlands has more than 40 years' experience in delivering solutions for laboratory, at-line and on-line wet chemical analysis. It has been representing Metrohm laboratory instrumentation in The Netherlands since the 1970's and is since the 1980's specialised in developing and supplying on-line Analyzers to measure ion concentrations in various processes, using techniques like Colorimetry, ISE standard addition, Titration, Ion Chromatography and Voltammetric Analysis.
Metrohm place la Recherche et Développement au centre de ses priorités d’investissement : la Traçabilité, l’Automatisation, les Capteurs Potentiométriques ou les Colonnes de Chromatographie Ionique dotées de puces électroniques de dernière génération, sont autant d’exemples d’avancées technologiques qui témoignent de l’engagement régulier de Metrohm dans la R&D.